About Us


MD – Dominic Finney

  • Launched & exited businesses, previously business leader global Marcoms organisations
  • Loves Audio and has worked for major clients in this space – Pandora, Acast, DAX
  • Discovered a new way to enable brands to fully engage their customers through the power of audio
  • Mission to enable brands to really engage their customers via audio

The Beginning

We began with a passion for audio and we started with a simple insight that there is an incredible amount of great and useful online content that people and businesses were unable to access aurally. So we set about leveraging technology to enable businesses to distribute their content via audio, and for audiences to easily access this content whenever and wherever suited them. We built an end to end platform that could find relevant and interesting client content that the platform would then transform into audio and distribute to audiences in real-time wherever they were looking to access that content.

Market maturity

We quickly found that both businesses and listeners had a real hunger for audio creation and distribution services. So we rolled out our platform across a number of business sectors such as technology, education, nonprofit, legal, finance where we established that businesses had great content to share and audiences were keen to listen. Essentially we found a way to add value to both businesses and consumers; as we enabled businesses to communicate with their customers and we enabled audiences to receive relevant content wherever and whenever suited them.

The Future

Our aim is to distribute this service globally so that we enable everyone to share and access content aurally, thereby helping to democratise people’s access to information, as well as create interesting and engaging audio experiences. We believe we can add even more value to audio communications by providing services such as translation of content to further democratise access to information. We will also enable businesses to create and record new audio content thereby enabling businesses to provide complete audio communications experiences to their audiences.

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