April 25, 2021
Voice Marketing Strategy
The sheer number of people listening to audio. And the range of topics that audio platforms cover has meant that many brands are now prioritising the development of a voice marketing strategy so that their brand is represented in an appropriate way in this medium. But just what is voice marketing and how does a brand best go about developing an appropriate voice marketing strategy?
What is voice marketing
Essentially it is the aural identity for your brand. The tone, accent and intonation that you create for people to identify your brand and what it stands for at its core. Coupled with this is the role of that voice. Is the role of the voice to inform people, guide people or to sell to people. As well as the communication strategy that supports this voice. Where will you use this voice? What role will it play? What type of subjects will the voice you provide address? How will you promote this audio content to reach the audience most relevant to your business. And then engage them in an appropriate way. A good voice marketing strategy addresses all of these key areas.
How do you create a vocal identity for you brand
Essentially there are two main routes. A brand can either records a voice to represent their brand. This can be time consuming and expensive but the value is that you get a personal and unique brand voice. The other route is to use AI to either create or select a voice to represent your brand. The value to this approach is that it is much more efficient and scalable as the voice will have a complete lexicon through to deploy your voice and content through. This route is proving to be a popular choice with many brands due to the range and quality of voices now available through such providers as Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft. However, the brand has to accept that the voice may not be unique to them. So picking which route to take really depends on what you will be using the brand voice for and the importance of that voice to your brand identity and values.

The time is now for voice marketing
There has never been a better time to engage in voice marketing. As the ability to create a voice has never been easier. And the quality of the voices that a brand can create is now of a very high quality. Just as importantly the audiences a brand can reach are now significant. And the level of engagement that brands can achieve is exceptionally high due to the interactive and long-form nature of a lot of audio content. Podcasts are one obvious way that brands are using voice marketing to reach and engage new customers as explain in our Starting a Business Podcast article. But it is just one of many voice marketing channels, whether that be the onsite audio experience, the in-store audio experience or via audio streaming services. There are now a whole host of ways to engage a brand’s customers through the power of the voice.
Marketing your brand voice key
Where and how you distribute your audio content is key. It is therefore vital that you understand where your target audience consumes audio content. Is this onsite? In-store? Via podcast? Through smart speakers? Or via a music platform? Once you understand where your target audience consumes audio and the size of that audience you can begin to understand the value of voice marketing to your brand and how best to engage those users in that environment. For example, the type of content that you share on podcasts will be markedly different from the type of content a brand users in-store. In addition, the size and profile of that audience will also vary markedly. Creating content that fits the audio environment and is relevant to your audience requires careful thought. But once you have established the voice and content the value can be immense. It is also vital to know how to distribute and promote this content, a topic covered off in our article, on podcast marketing.

Voice marketing is now becoming a recognised key pillar in a brand’s overall marketing strategy. The opportunities to create a unique audio identity and reach new users are significant. However, it is key that a brand takes the time to create the appropriate audio identity to support and represent the brand. This involves really understanding how, what and why audiences consume audio. So that brands can then create audio experiences that are appropriate and engaging to their customers.
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